Murkrag's Compendium Cards
Card versions of the Murkrag's Compendium magic items. Requires a copy of the Compendium to reference.
This set of all 3 card packs covers all 300 magic items from Murkrag’s Compendium of Curios and includes a PDF copy of that book to reference. Available on DriveThruRPG.
This set includes all 116 weapons found in Murkrag’s Compendium. Please note that some cards reference the Compendium book when the complete rules text does not fit on the card. Available on DriveThruRPG.
This set includes all 81 armors and accessories (such as hats, belts, and boots) found in Murkrag’s Compendium. Please note that some cards reference the Compendium book when the complete rules text does not fit on the card. Available on DriveThruRPG.
This set includes 103 items found in Murkrag’s Compendium including spellcasting foci, ammunition, wondrous items, and miscellaneous tools. Please note that some cards reference the Compendium book when the complete rules text does not fit on the card. Available on DriveThruRPG.
These sets of cards include all 300 magic items from Murkrag’s Compendium of Curios. Prefer to hand out physical media at your table? Us too! Each of these cards, in addition to the rules text, includes shorthand notes for the item’s charges and recharge rate if applicable, attunement requirements, and page number in Murkrag’s Compendium. Please note that some cards reference the Compendium book when the complete rules text does not fit on the card. You’ll need a copy of Murkrag’s Compendium of Curios to effectively use those cards.